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Sunken Displays in Celtic-Roman Museum, Manching

The museum building—resembling an oversised display case—is sited next to the critical Celtic archaeological sites. The architects Fischer_Z Architekten dedicated 800 sqm of its first floor to the permanent exhibition “Celts”. Exposed structural reinforced concrete ceiling spans the 18 m width of the building, providing flexible column-free exhibition space. Natural illumination comes from the 3.6 m full-height northern glazing.

There are two types of display cases used.

Suspended display cases

The five glass-clad boxes are suspended from the ceiling using threaded 10 mm diameter rod that is covered with rectangular aluminium 50/50 mm profile pipe. Lateral stability is provided by 6 mm diameter steel cable cross-bracing. Framing is made out of 80/50 mm rectangular profile pipe. The cases are clad in 10 mm laminated glass panels fixed matte adhesive foil. Glass fibre lighting is installed around the top inside perimeter of the cases.

Sunken display cases

The exhibition hall has a raised floor with the following build-up:

- 70 mm reinforced concrete with hard aggregate top layer;
- PE foil separation layer;
- 18 mm gypsum structural panel;
- 500 mm cavity filled with supporting pedestals;
- 200-300 mm reinforced concrete ceiling.

The floor cavity is utilised for sunken displays. Eight 10 mm laminated glass cubes extend 400 m above finished floor level. This allows visitors to look “underground” into the archaeological findings exhibited there.

The below-floor casing is formed out of sheet metal, and the exhibits are placed on grey 16 mm MDF display panel supported on a 40/40 mm steel pipe framing. Perimeter glass fibre lighting illuminates the cases.

Raised cement screed floors, exposed concrete ceiling and the dull grey aluminium display cases create a muted and respectful background for the exhibits.

No standard floor-mounted display cases interrupt the floor plane. And where the surface is punctured, the glowing glass cubes invite to explore. The ergonomics of such presentation are debatable, but the conceptual link with an archaeological dig is well-resolved. And if anything, children kneeling on the floor looking into these display cases will find such presentation thrilling.